Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Best Care in the Air

Chuck and I flew Midwest Express on our most recent trip and let me just say, I loved it. I was in airplane heaven, I tell you. I loved it so much that I took pictures, while actually on the plane. Yes, Chuck was embarrassed but he's getting used to it. So that leads us to my latest entry entitled...

Why I Love Midwest Express or Why I Stopped Complaining About the Little Extra We Had to Pay:

#1- They have big leather seats with adjustable headrests.

#2- Those headrests fold open so I can sleep without resting my head on the stranger next to me.
The photo that was previously displayed here has been removed to make room for new pictures but trust me, you would have been impressed.

#3- They have footrests!!! I could prop my feet up!!

The photo that was previously displayed here has been removed to make room for new pictures but trust me, you would have been impressed.

#4- They gave us warm cookies!

The photo that was previously displayed here has been removed to make room for new pictures but trust me, you would have been impressed.

So needless to say, next trip, we are definitely flying Midwest Express again and that's great news if you happen to sit next to me and don't enjoy drool on your shoulder.

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