Thursday, June 29, 2006

Tag, now I'm it.

Ok, so my good pal Erin has tagged me with a Meme and since I don't have time to upload all the pictures and write all the posts that I have, here goes...

7 Things I Want to Do Before I Die

Skydive (which I'm aware might actually cause me to die-so maybe I'll save that one for last)

Visit Paris, Rome, London and Branson.

Go on safari.

Scuba dive.

Know that I've made a difference.

See my children succeed happily.

Make my parents proud.

7 Things That Attracted Me to My Partner

His sense of humor.

His kindness.

His good looks.

His morals.

His work ethic.

His ability to name every show, movie, or commercial even the most obscure actor has been in.

His collection of tennis shoes.

7 Books I Read Over and Over

Ummm, errrr, I'm not sure that I've ever read the same book twice. Does that make me a bad person?

7 Movies That I Love

The Princess Bride

To Kill a Mockingbird

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Shawshank Redemption

Young Frankenstein

O' Brother Where Art Thou

I could really go on and on...

7 Things I Can't Do

Say "social security" successfully in one try.

Stay up past midnight.

Watch scary movies.

Stand Owen Wilson.

Grow my hair long.

Touch, be near, look at, talk about, or listen to someone else talk about snakes.

Sleep with my feet (or other body part) hanging off the bed due to the thing that lives under my bed. I'm convinced that there is something.

Make a grammatically correct post-not even to save my life.

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