Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My Little Snowman

The snow is finally almost gone here, thankfully. I've never been a big snow person since I became an adult. As a kid, though, I loved it. All the snowmen, snowballs and the sledding-loved it. These days though, I'm usually pretty happy to see it go. However, there is one small thing that happened this year to make me enjoy it again. Chase discovered it.

I guess it's time to invest in a new pair of snow boots.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Whoever let the dogs out is going DOWN!

A few weeks ago, my youngest sister Amanda decided that she would like to have her engagement party at one of our local bars this past Saturday the 20th. (Did I tell you she and Tim got engaged? They did!) A few weeks ago that sounded like a great idea and I've been looking forward to it, since it was a legitimate excuse to get an overnight babysitter and drink...heavily. So finally Saturday rolls around and guess what. Snow. Lots and lots of snow. So we called a cab, packed in and headed out, praying that we made it to where we were trying to go. Most of the invited guests backed out but there still ended up being a pretty good showing and we had an interesting night.

The beautiful bride-to-be:

We had lots of good Kodak moments thrown in there. Like this one with me, Brett, Katie and Mandy:

and this one with my sisters, my dad and me:

and Chuck was cuddly:

Mandy danced with my dad:

But then! Things got sloppy...

and kareoke was sung... ("Baby Got Back" to be specific)

and people did bad things to my father...

and then we danced... (to "Who let the Dogs Out" naturally)

And our friends went from looking like this:

To this:

And this:

So by this point, 1:00 am, I was tired and done. So we called the cab service and were told that it would be at least an hour. Well, ok, I thought. I figured that I could survive an hour or so wait. It wasn't THAT long ago that I stayed out a hell of a lot later than 2:00 in the morning so, no big deal. So 2:00 AM rolls around and no cab. Chuck calls the cab company and they say something along the lines of "Sorry, sir, we're really behind and we'll get to you as soon as possible." Ok. So 3:00am rolls around and the bar is closing! Still no cab in sight. So uh, what the hell were we supposed to do? There wasn't anyone that could come and get us that was close by PLUS they would have to drive us all the way out to our home which was NOT close to the bar we were at. And the weather was so horrible! So we decided to wait it out. At the CVS.

Here we are in the "lobby", as we were calling it, of CVS. It was cold, with no place to sit and definitely no outlets because we sure as hell would have bought a heater or microwave or something.

Cold Gary, Mandy and Tim to my left in CVS Lobby. Chuck was to my left also, just so close to me that you can't see him...because I was FREAKING COLD!

Cold/Drunk Katie to my right in CVS Lobby:

FINALLY, the cab shows up at 4 AM! 4 AM PEOPLE! I didn't get into bed until 5:00 AM! Yeah, I can't hang, I've decided. And I've decided that I'm ok with that. Just next time, someone please make me go home after "letting the dogs out".

Friday, January 05, 2007

Whoa! I'm not a freak!! I swear!!

Ok, so it has come to my attention that ummm, one of the pictures that I was using in my favorite TV shows post was ummmm, replaced online by whoever I was borrowing the picture from. I deleted it too quickly to even see where I had originally got it but oh my. Let's just say the picture of what was supposed to be Studio 60 was not a picture of Studio 60. I did not have that picture intentionally placed there and I am so freaking embarrassed right now. So umm, lesson learned. Do not use other people's images. Period. Sorry for whoever saw it and was offended and you are welcome to whoever saw it and liked it.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

More pictures, less words.

We had a fabulous Christmas/New Year/Chuck's birthday! I don't have much to report but I do have pictures!! I'll be back soon with something a little more wordy next time, maybe.

Here's Chase and I enjoying Christmas, even IF he was a little possessed at that moment.

Chase and I opening his favorite/my least favorite toy of the year. Yes, it's noisy.

Jackson is getting so freakin big! Here he is with my mom...

And lounging with my dad...

And snuggling his "pelt"...

And hangin' with Uncle Chuck.

Chase and Ashtin did NOT play well together this year. I'm sure a fight was brewing at this moment. Ashtin's already taken off his pants in preparation. He fights dirty.

Chase got a big boy bed from Santa. Here he is on Christmas morning checking it out.

And here he is telling me that I rock!

As if he needed to tell me.

Hope everyone's holidays were as great as mine!