Monday, May 22, 2006

It's getting deep in here.

So it's probably been pretty obvious that I've been having some writer's block lately. But never fear! I decided to reach out to some friends and get some ideas. One suggested a meme- which is, thank you Leen, "an idea that is spread from blog to blog". Well, I liked that idea and decided to steal it, er, I mean USE it. So I googled and thanks to Curious as a Cat I decided on this question:

If you could only repent for one thing when you die, what one thing would you choose?

It really got me thinking because there are so many things in my life that I've done that I partially regret and I know were "the wrong choice". Things like leaving college, not studying harder, borrowing money, spraying bug spray in my little sister's mouth...but really all of those things shaped who I am today and I must say, I'm pretty happy with my life. I have a decent job, a husband that I adore, a fabulous son, I'm healthy, and I have good friends. Sometimes I think, even IF I felt badly enough to repent some of those things, I don't think I would. What if one of those relatively minor things completely shaped my life and I don't even know it? For example, if I had stayed in college, would I have met my husband? Would I have made these great friends? Would my sister be able to keep mosquitoes away with a deep exhale? The answer is likely, "no". So how can I regret those things?

However, there still is one thing I wish I hadn't done and would repent for because deep down, I regret it terribly. When I was a teenager, I treated my family like crap. Yes, it's true. I was selfish, thought the world owed me, and it completely revolved around me and my wants and needs. **Contrary to popular belief, that is no longer the case.** Now, I wasn't flat out disrespectful or hurtful, by any means. But just the lack of compassion for my family members when they probably really needed me, is enough. Those years just seem like such a black hole when I look back. I think about the relatives that I've lost recently and how much I would give to get those years back with them. It seems like such a waste. There's not many things that I hate more than wasted time. Life is just too short.

So that's my repent-what's yours? Pass it on.

1 comment:

Curious Kitty said...

Wow, great answer!

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