Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Those poncupines can be tricky.

At my mother's house, whenever we have a get together we usually end up playing games by the end of the night. Sometimes it's cards and sometimes it's board games but we usually play at least one or the other. Christmas Eve night, my sisters and I, our significant others, and our kids all went over to our mother's house. We pigged out, open gifts (hellooo beautiful brown coat from the Gap. I love you.), and then decided to play Cranium. We usually play guys against girls but this year we had an uneven number so we decided to give up one of our team members to be nice and Christmaslike. Never again. Due to my skill in spelling forwards and backwards, my mom's humming ability, and my sister Katie's skill in clay sculpting, we usually skunk the other team without a problem. Well, I was the weak link this year. Not only did I misspell (backwards) "likelihood" but I also missed "porcupine". My rep as an excellent backwards speller has been ruined. I'm no longer allowed to spell. So needless to say, we lost. *sigh* It's embarrassing really. What's even more embarrassing is that we lost to our husbands who could correctly identify "I feel pretty" as my sister Mandy hummed it. It's a sad sad world.

Addendum: My review of our Christmas holiday is to follow shortly. I really wanted to illustrate certain points with pictures and alas, I left my beloved camera at my mother's house...where someone (who has yet to fess up but my brother in law seemed very amused by the whole incident so I believe he knows) dipped it's strap in wax. So my camera sits at my mother's house feeling shunned because of it's green evergreen scented strap. Don't worry my lovely camera, I will come to get you soon.

1 comment:

Me said...

Oh, dear. Yes, I could see how that would make the world very sad.

Backwards spelling is sooo much harder than it seems. And your sister must have some kind of superpower ability to be able to be understandable when humming. I always lose that part.

Sounds like a good Christmas, despite the Cranium loss.